As luck (?) would have it a pair of JWs visited us today. As is...

  1. 14,426 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    As luck (?) would have it a pair of JWs visited us today.
    As is mostly the case, I started a conversation with them.

    When I suggested that the main JW objective in door knocking is to recruit new JW members he tried to tell me that their main drive was to introduce family values that they claim to get from the bible. I responded by telling them that I didn't believe him.

    At least he didn't deny the doctrine of shunning but tried to tell me that the practice is supported in scripture. This was a first for me from a door knocker. I told him that I has seen the devastating effects of shunning first hand.

    The couple then left. I invited then back if they wished to continue the discussion.

    They certainly apply the softly - softly filters to begin with.
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