Walk-Off Warner, page-48

  1. 9,788 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 101
    The ban was over the top IMO and was brought about by Aussie administrators who put themselves 

    above the ICC who themselves would most likely have banned them for one or two games.

    The massive egos of these administrators are being dragged into the spotlight right about now. 

    Hopefully Mark Taylor becomes the new boss. What a genuine leader of people  he is.

    What happened wasn't great but let the public be entertained. Smith and Warner are two

    of the worlds best and I'd say they've learnt.  And this latest thing - good blokes before cricketers.....? What an absolute load of crap!!! And

    who is setting themselves up to be the judge of all that...? Another massive ego trip!!  If you're a good enough bloke to walk the street as a free man you're a good enough bloke to play cricket for Australia talent permitting. 

    I love the way the former greats are stepping up to the plate over all this. Let the talent through 

    and leave the talkers at the gate.That's why Aussie cricket was always strong. 

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