Viktor Orban speaks his mind

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    "Petőfi clearly asked: “Shall we be slaves or be free?” Everybody understood it, and everybody knew the answer for this. We have done a lot of things together in the last 30 years, lots of struggles, and memorable battles we fought together. But the greatest things we could achieve in our lifetime, the utmost battles that we could fight together, are still ahead of us. And by all signs, right now, just coming up. The situation, my dear friends, is: They want to take away our country! Not with a stroke of the pen, like they did 100 years ago at Trianon [WW1 treaty that divided up Hungary]. Now — in just a couple of decades — they want us to hand it over willingly to others. To strangers from another continent, who do not speak our language, who do not respect our culture, our laws and our way of life. Who want to replace our way of life with theirs. From now on they do not want us and our descendants to live here, but someone else.

    There is no exaggeration in this! We can see it day by day, as great European peoples and nations, step by step, area by area, from city to city, lose their homeland. The situation is such that those who do not stop the migration at their borders will be lost. Slowly but surely they will be consumed. All of this by external forces, international powers that are trying to force it upon us, with the help of their local allies, and they see the upcoming election as a great opportunity for this.
    Respected ladies and gentlemen: The legacy of 1848 is that Hungary shall be a free, independent and HUNGARIAN country." . . . .
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