SBP solbec pharmaceuticals limited

re: successful trial ann IN PSORIASISSummary:• Solbec’s Phase...

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    re: successful trial ann IN PSORIASIS
    • Solbec’s Phase I/IIa trial of Coramsine™ for the treatment of psoriasis has finished
    treating patients with no adverse events reported by the investigators.
    • The data gathered during the final stage of the trial will be un-blinded and analysis of
    efficacy undertaken.
    Perth, Australia. 9th February 2005. Solbec Pharmaceuticals Ltd (ASX:SBP) today
    announced that its Phase I (safety) trial of Coramsine™ in the treatment of psoriasis has reached
    its primary endpoint successfully and ahead of schedule.
    Phase I trials are primarily intended to demonstrate the safety of the compound under test and in
    reports to date, the investigating physicians did not note treatment-related adverse events during
    any stage of the trial.
    This clinical trial was conducted in three stages, the first two of which were concerned only with
    investigation of safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics (time required for absorption, duration
    of action, distribution in the body, and excretion) in healthy individuals. The third stage recruited
    ten psoriasis patients and looked additionally at efficacy for 56 days.
    The efficacy element of the trial was conducted as a double-blind, within-patients design in which
    Coramsine™ cream was compared to placebo and a standard topical treatment for psoriasis.
    Patients applied each of the three creams to different areas of psoriasis without knowing which
    cream was which (patient “blinding”). The investigators were also not informed of which cream
    was used on which rash when they assessed response (investigator “blinding”).
    Following completion of the patient treatment, the investigators can be “unblinded” and compare
    efficacy between the creams. This means analysis of the findings of the trial’s third stage and
    reporting on the results. Solbec expects to receive the report early in the second quarter of 2005.
    Further information:
    Stephen Carter
    Managing Director
    Solbec Pharmaceuticals Ltd
    Phone +61 (08) 944 67555
    [email protected]
    Rebecca Christie
    Phone: +61 (02) 9293 2836 / 0417 382 391
    [email protected]
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