Stocks In Uptrends, page-36

  1. 4,195 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 86
    I hope you don't take this the wrong way.
    clearly you are a TA investor and look for stocks that are up trending, which is fine, but I think it could be a little one dimensional, I personally feel if you are investing in TA alone you are really only seeing half the story and it could be dangerous if there is something in the FA that could have a negative material effect in the short term,
    eg maybe the stock has just been pumped up because the directors want to do a CR?

    if looking solely at TA that pump might look like the start of a uptrend that you buy into.
    and after they announce a CR it could get dumped down to that level.
    again not having a go just think if you look at both the TA and FA of a stock you will be more profitable and a more balanced investor.
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