XAO 0.21% 8,592.3 all ordinaries

I hope the book is good because I just broke my golden rule of...

  1. 277 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    I hope the book is good because I just broke my golden rule of buying into something on advice from an anonymous internet post But I needed a new trading book to read - need something to blame when it all goes to sheet.

    Glad to hear I'm not the only one treading water or even falling back slightly. Honestly, I'm packing up shop a bit right now. Never had such a large capital reserve just sitting there, waiting for the insane man in the White House to cool his jets. I'm even considering selling out of a few LT investments as the volatility is freaking me out a bit.

    Since WFE went stratospheric, every major announcement from stocks I hold has hit the SP bad: AVZ, (potentially) TAW, MYX. So now I dread announcements.. As a result I've been doing a bit of day trading lately. Had some decent gains from 1AG and AHF but don't have the nuts to hold onto them for too long. It's definitely a wait and see kind of month, I reckon.
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