XAO 0.60% 8,535.4 all ordinaries

Short Term Trading Weekend Lounge: 16-18th Mar, page-122

  1. 701 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 31
    Well from I can tell about my style, I look for a combination of sentiment and FA.

    First I check the pendalum of buyers vs seller.

    Then the volatility, then sentiment of said stock on HC (Also taking into account how many visits the page gets) and finally the price, preferably between 0.02 and 0.09.

    After that I'll check their ann's and see whats coming up in the future while figuring out why the stock is at a certain price (be it over-inflated expectations or the sell off from a top 20).

    So I guess FA with a spash of market psychology (I prefer people being excited about it).

    I personally don't see myself going full chartist, MACD, Stoch and SMA's is about all I can stomach.

    Again, thanks for your help man.
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