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Short Term Trading - Weekend Lounge:13 -15 Apr, page-8

  1. 856 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    A kid asks 'Dad what is politics ?' His dad says 'Think of me as Capitalism. I make all the money for our house so we can afford everything. Your mother well she's the government she runs the house organises everything and makes decisions on what to spend our money on. The maid, she's like the working class. You we shall call the people and your baby brother is the future'.

    That night the kid is woken by the noise of his brother crying because he's filled his nappy. He goes to find his mum who's out cold on plonk and won't wake up, he goes to find the maid only to see his dad bonking her senseless, so unnoticed he goes back to bed.

    The next day over breakfast his dad says, 'Have you thought any more about politics Son?', the kid says, 'Yes Dad and I have come to some interesting conclusions.... Whilst Capitalism is screwing the working classes the government is fast asleep, the people are bewildered and the future's full of sheet'.
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