Appalling indeed. Definitely picked the right weekend for Comedy, going to need some laughs to make it through this weekend.
On the Syrian strikes, because hard to talk about anything else right now... Still not a lot of details out, but my semi-informed impressions. From the lengths Theresa May went to explain that this was a very specific and limited strike regarding chemical weapons and nothing else, while also taking a few snipes at Russia failure to prevent Syria from going back down that road, I don't expect this to degenerate into something larger. Sounds like they went to reasonable lengths to try and avoid civilian casualties proving a degree of forewarning of the attacks to the Russians.
Still wary, but May and Trump seemed at pains to state they have no desire to get further involved in the conflict (which would be well in line with what transpired over the past few years regarding Assad regime), and I expect moving forwards little to change from this. Maybe another 4 years from now we will be having the exact some conversation.
The whole Syrian situation has been awful from the start, and assuming this is as limited as it appears, I sadly don't see it having much of an effect in the long run.
Ultimately it has always and continues to be in Russia's court to decide how this plays out. And whether this escalates once again it comes down to how much of a personal affront they take this as.