XAO 0.25% 8,631.5 all ordinaries

Hi all, First time poster, long time lurker. Just wondering if...

  1. 1 Posts.
    Hi all,

    First time poster, long time lurker.

    Just wondering if any of you have looked into TTC (Traditional Therapy Clinics)

    The business is a Chinese massage franchise that has all of it's operations in China. Revenues have growing over the last three years and the company is generating consistent profits.

    Market Cap - 16m

    Cash on balance sheet - 38m

    P/E ratio - 0.95

    At what price do you think the market will realise this is so undervalued? Obviously from a technical/charting perspective and geographical perspective (being based in China) the company may not receive much attention and look relatively unattractive but from a fundamental perspective this thing seems severely undervalued.

    Would be interested to hear anyone's opinions.


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