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Short Term Trading - Weekend Lounge:13 -15 Apr, page-31

  1. 3,170 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 105
    Interesting hypotheses thrown into the ring on one of the forums this week - apologies to the poster, but I can't find the posting again to give them kudos.

    The new breed of manipulation involves charting manipulation. So many people understand basic TA now, and computers have invaded our trading so much, that the manipulators are altering the traditional charting patterns that we are used to trading by.

    Personally I stopped using stop losses awhile ago when there was a couple of big dumps into the obvious places, after which the stocks went on big runs.

    Are we seeing shorter runs with the pros deliberately cutting them short? I find very, very few stocks go on a long run now, whereby you can rely on the uptrend line. If they're trying to confuse us and wear us down, well I for one can admit to some frustration in that area.

    Resources are understaffed to monitor and manage market manipulations? No doubt, but they issue way too many speeding tickets when they're not really necessary. A lot of would be runners are getting stopped in their tracks. Maybe focus their limited resources elsewhere?

    As for managing tweets, well that looks like it's going to be a bottomless pit. They'll need to be very selective in applying their resources in that area. Wielding a big stick on one or two companies / tweeters - not sure what impact that will have.
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