XAO 0.21% 8,592.6 all ordinaries

Short Term Trading Week Starting: 9th Apr, page-62

  1. 6,640 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 37
    Spot on and getting a lot of mentions by a few that seem to by the same lil pumps GLA was similar ... I bought some PCH for a punt but hardly exciting when today's volume is weak and most of it is just churn through centre point to bring volume up and try create demand to sell into ..

    Not sure if others are struggling but this illiquidity is shocking and crab traps everywhere ATM ..

    Also pumps seem to just be rec pumps on small volumes except a small handful of late ...

    Only thing that is in the back of my mind is pros accumulate on low volume activity while the liquidity is not there .. And when liquidity is high Eg from sept /Jan distribute .. So assuming we have a few more months of this in the specs while they sort out the registers and prep them ..

    Do feel the mids and blue chips will fire up very soon again tho ..

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