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Short Term Trading Week Starting: 9th Apr, page-235

  1. 495 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 23
    Dear fellow Bass Oil shareholder,
    It has been a transformative year for your Company – from implementing our new corporate strategy to the all-important delivery of successfully making the transition from exploration company to oil producer, thanks to our newly acquired onshore Indonesian oil fields in the world-class and prolific province of South Sumatra.
    Over 2018, we will expand our Indonesian oil development and production business – much if this growth centred as close as possible to our existing operations managed by our highly capable in-country Indonesian teams.
    And there is more to come, and soon. That’s why we want to tell you, in person, about our expanding road ahead.
    As such, your Board of Directors invites you to attend Bass Oil’s 2018 Annual General Meeting on 16 May from 11.00am Australian CST in the boardroom of Adelaide Equity Partners, Level 3, 100 Pirie Street, Adelaide.
    Hear and see presentations from your senior management, and take this fresh opportunity to ask questions about our expansion plans and production aspirations.
    Enclosed are the Notice of Annual General Meeting and Proxy Form setting out the AGM’s items of business.
    I encourage you to:
    1. Read the enclosed Notice of Annual General Meeting and Explanatory Statement; and
    2. Vote in person at the meeting, or by proxy.
    If you plan to attend the meeting, please bring the enclosed documents with you to facilitate registration.
    If you are unable to attend the meeting, I encourage you to complete the enclosed voting form. The Shareholder voting form should be lodged with the Company’s share registry in accordance with the instructions set out in the voting form so that it is received not less than 48 hours before the scheduled start of the meeting.
    Corporate shareholders will be required to complete a "Certificate of Appointment of Corporate Representative" to enable a person to attend on their behalf. A form of this certificate may be obtained from the Company's share registry.
    I look forward to meeting with and sharing discussions with you, at the AGM.
    Yours faithfully

    Peter F Mullins Chairman
    12 April 2018
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