XAO 0.27% 8,586.9 all ordinaries

Friday started out ok for the S&P, 0.22% down at one point. Then...

  1. 288 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    Friday started out ok for the S&P, 0.22% down at one point. Then it declined from there. At close all 30 DOW stocks were down and the S&P, DOW and NASDAQ were negative for the week. Gold up. Oil took a hit. Europe down some.

    S&P 500 down -2.19%
    CAC 40 down -0.52%
    Hang Seng up 1.11%

    Gold up 0.66% at $1,337.30
    Oil down -2.50% at $61.95
    Aluminium futures U.K. up 2.18%
    Copper futures U.K. down -0.87%

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