XAO 0.27% 8,586.9 all ordinaries

Short Term Trading Week Starting: 9th Apr, page-189

  1. 1,431 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    VKA - Must be getting very close now for a BIG Acquisition. GTT gave themselves to June to bring an acquisition to the table...

    3+ Mill cash and another 3 mill USD due any day... That will give a 7 Mill bank account, that is a very very nice brownfields project...

    Some good volume went through the the other day, so i recon we will see something in the coming weeks.

    From the asx announcement

    GTT is a leading boutique corporate advisory firm with an extensive network of contacts in the mining
    sector and access to some of Australia’s leading brokers, institutions and high net worth investors.
    Current and past clients of GTT include AVZ Minerals Ltd (ASX: AVZ), Force Commodities Limited
    (ASX: 4CE), Lepidico Limited, formerly Platypus Minerals Ltd, (ASX: LPD) and Marquee Resources
    limited (ASX: MQR).
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