XAO 0.08% 8,603.5 all ordinaries

Looks like President Xi’s speech yesterday morning was welcomed...

  1. 288 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    Looks like President Xi’s speech yesterday morning was welcomed by the markets. All major markets up.  Anything with oil on it had good movement in the U.S., some popular Oil EFTs’ up +10%. Aluminium up 10% last three days.

    S&P 500 up 1.67%
    DAX Germany up 1.11%
    Shanghai Composite up 1.66%
    Hang Seng up 1.65%

    Dow, U.S. Aluminium Index up 6.84%

    Gold up 0.43% at $1345.90
    Oil jumps 3.19% at $65.51
    Aluminium futures U.K. up 3.99%
    Nickel futures U.K. up 1.99%
    Tin futures U.K. down 1.44%

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