XAO 0.27% 8,586.9 all ordinaries

Short Term Trading Week Starting: 9th Apr, page-124

  1. 208 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 135
    Good morning traders,

    I hope if you are long that you enjoy some more green today.

    US Market Update

    With few headlines to get in the way, the S&P closed about 30 points from the top of its current trading range.

    NQ/NDX led the averages with a gain of nearly 2%

    May WTI was up big today, (65.58 and +3.41% in electronic trade) presumably and at least in part on mid east tensions. The energy and tech sectors led the way and most defensive sectors were of little interest to traders.

    VIX lost -5.97%.

    SPX/ES/SPY: 2656.87/2654.00/265.15
    Based on open interest , If the S&P opens and remains below 2680 then 2630 could be in play again. Any intraday run higher will come into stiffer resistance at 2680. Should 2690 be surpassed, the resistance becomes the product of price/volume history, overhead supply and of course good old fashioned fear and loathing.

    Market Internals
    Advance-Decline Lines: +1530. NYSE Breadth: +6.6:1, NASDAQ Breadth: +4.28:1. NYSE TICK: Cumulative TICK trended higher after 12:30. TRIN: .48

    NYSE MOC: +114M on balance. NYSE composite volume 595060.

    Implied Volatility
    VXJ8:20.22, VXK8:19.47, VIX:20.47

    ZNM8 -.14% and the 10 Year Treasury yield is now about 2.80%

    S&P Futures Now

    Last edited by Diver Dan: 11/04/18
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