XAO 0.21% 8,592.6 all ordinaries

Short Term Trading Week Starting: 9th Apr, page-119

  1. 6,960 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    gday Xing.....RMX has had a bit of a bad rap recently, so, i've been soaking the OG's with the theory that the board will be making sure the next deal will be a serious one...."third time lucky", and, i'm sure they're aware the market has a high expectation of getting it right.
    Plenty of cash now, with the SPP as a top up, and chance for holders to add. Volume has steadied and is currently at a standoff so dont be surprised to see some buying when things get close.
    A couple of low EV shells in my sights are MOX USA......though i wouldnt class them as shells technically, both are ripe for an incoming deal.
    And, a left fielder is REF, selling for well below cash, it even pays a divvie from profits of it telco business thats being wound down. A prime candidate for a fintech/telco/BC bolt on
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