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yes free I just could not believe it my self, I had a look and...

  1. 4,195 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 86
    yes free I just could not believe it my self, I had a look and seen it was up 150% and thought, yeah they must of got a nice cobalt project, but they got nothing only a CR at 0.005, with the promise of a good project, there is high risk then there is buying WFE at 1.5 cents today lol.

    to put it another way, it would be like me going into a car dealership and asking what cars they have, the car dealer is like well if you pay 35k I can get you a nice car do you trust me?

    I'm like ok can I see it? no not yet!
    what type of car is it? where not sure yet we have not found it yet!!
    huh so why am I paying 35k for a car I have not seen yet and you have even found yet.

    blind faith welcome to WFE
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