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NHC Company delivers record half year result KEY HIGHLIGHTS ...

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    Company delivers record half year result

     Revenue for the first half of $509.4 million up 36% on the prior corresponding period (PCP)
     Profit before tax and before non regular items totals $165.2 million (up 107% on PCP)
    o $165.8 million from coal operations
    o $0.6 million loss from oil and gas
     Net cash generated from operating activities of $206.5 million (before interest & tax)
     EBITDA before non regular items of $211.7 million (up 63% on PCP)
     NPAT before non regular items of $115.6 million (up 111% on PCP)
     Fully franked interim dividend of 6.0 cents per share
     Bengalla delivers $83.8 million profit before tax in the first half
    New Hope Group has delivered a record half year Net Profit After Tax (NPAT) of $115.6 million, an increase of 111% above the $54.9 million (before non regular items) recorded in the six months to January 2017.
    Total revenue for the period was $509.4 million up 36% on the previous corresponding
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