XAO 0.60% 8,535.4 all ordinaries

Short Term Trading Week Starting: 19th Mar, page-170

  1. 288 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    S&P down a little, Energy sector against the trend up 2.63%. Metals & Mining Index up 2.43%. Gold up. Oil approaching 3 year high. Metals up. FTSE 100 is at its lowest for over a year.

    S&P 500 down -0.18%
    FTSE 100 down -0.32% YTD return -8.44%

    Gold up 1.56% at $1,338.10
    Oil up 3.07% at $65.49
    Silver up 2.38%
    Copper futures U.S. up 1.38%
    Zinc futures U.K. up 1.38%

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