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STTCOMP IGE, FA LONG Integrated Green Energy Renewables Cap $26m...

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    Integrated Green Energy​


    Cap $26m​

    Cash $6.5m​

    SOI 336.7m, 184m options (unlisted)​

    IGE is renewables company building plants around the world which will convert recycled plastics to diesel road ready fuel.

    Per below data is based on EGM presentation August 17 , Prospectus issued September 17, and AGM presentation November 17.

    Each plant is targeted to process 200tpd of waste plastics and produce 70m litres per annum at a margin of 30 cents per litre.

    Amsterdam plant already in construction and fully debt financed (with payback estimated in 2.5 years) and scheduled to commence production in Dec 18 with binding offtakes already agreed.

    Targeting rollout of 4 UK sites with sites already identified (and in final stages of due diligence) and further 10 sites already agreed to be rolled out in the US with their US partner GEP they have jv with.

    Some of the other territories identified that are in the process of progressing through preliminary feasibility studies or subsequent due diligence are: • Germany • Hong Kong • China • Puerto Rico • India • Indonesia • Spain.

    So based on figures per plant above of processing 200tpd recycled plastics to produce 70m litre per annum of fuel per annum equates to 21m AUD per annum in gross profits.

    So for 11 sites currently planned for Amsterdam, UK and US that equates to $231m gross profit per annum and lets assume for other territories targeted for international expansion this doubles the number of planned sites - then that equates to $462m gross profit per annum.
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