XAO 0.66% 8,530.2 all ordinaries

It took me a good month to get in after their initial tip. WFE...

  1. 277 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    It took me a good month to get in after their initial tip. WFE ended up fitting one of my strategies nicely - i.e. buy on the early hype and hold tight until it explodes or fizzles out. But an entry at .003 and .004 was still pretty good after yesterday's shenanigans.

    Honestly, I did not expect yesterday to get so mental. I sold too early (again) because I couldn't see a price above 1.4c being sustainable for more than a few minutes. But then I think the word from twitter started bringing in new punters by early afternoon. I reckon the doyens on twitter make trading more complex these days. Certain users on that platform with massive followings only have to indicate their bullishnes to the right stock at the right time and it doesn't matter how overvalued the SP gets, new buyers just keep flowing in. That said, there has to have been a fair bit of instos buying from the quantity of some of those orders yesterday. Though they may sell in a hurry today..

    Either way, I was happy to go along for the ride. Not much work other than watching the market was completed by me yesterday that's for sure...
    Last edited by jimmityg: 21/03/18
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