Ah yup nice work one thing about Hc there is not 100 gif posts...

  1. 6,640 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 37
    Ah yup nice work one thing about Hc there is not 100 gif posts on every pip move like the bird .

    Look forward to seeing some quality return to Hc maybe the DT may liven back up soon ..

    Enjoy Easter STT crew hopefully the bunny brings happiness and maybe even a golden egg ..


    Hopefully some read my post few months back stating about the current market I did cope a couple of funny remarks but in the end my comments about the weird volume behaviour and taking money out has played out well and now just trading swings ..

    Noticing a lot of bearish comments around the globe on the market and have also noticed some accumulation lately hmmm ... What do smart money do when the rest are all listening to them ...
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