Short Term Trading Easter Weekend Lounge 29 Mar - 3rd Apr, page-107

  1. 10,843 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 38
    With the old broker data...
    The “pros” know who the broker is, who the buyers and sellers are straight away
    It’s not a mystery taking 3 days to unravel

    the brokers know real time who the buy and sells go thru

    I knew who was on the bid and offer 15 years ago when a broker and who the broker transactions went thru to both parties right then and there for christs sake

    backing up an hourly or even daily chart with mention of 3 day old volume is ridiculous unless it is a really illiquid stock.
    Even the concept of an hourly or daily chart backed up by 3 day old info is ridiculous surely, especially when the pros had real time data acting days ago to the provided data

    It’s so unlikely it’s fanciful

    It, broker activity, as used 3days later, is not an actionable strategy surely


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