Zoono has a whole list of it's branded products FDA approved in the USA.
Zoono branded products passed certification in a UK lab to be sold in Europe.
Zoono branded products have passed certification to be sold on NZ, Australia, Japan & a whole load of other countries.
Zoono products have been shipped to China & are about to be launched in the next couple of weeks.
Stop posting lies about ZNO.
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2.3¢ |
-0.002(8.00%) |
Mkt cap ! $7.597M |
Open | High | Low | Value | Volume |
2.4¢ | 2.4¢ | 2.3¢ | $5.976K | 249.0K |
Buyers (Bids)
No. | Vol. | Price($) |
2 | 42823 | 2.3¢ |
Sellers (Offers)
Price($) | Vol. | No. |
2.5¢ | 17897 | 1 |
View Market Depth
No. | Vol. | Price($) |
1 | 4706 | 0.090 |
2 | 61000 | 0.085 |
1 | 25000 | 0.083 |
1 | 121951 | 0.082 |
1 | 10000 | 0.080 |
Price($) | Vol. | No. |
0.092 | 4500 | 1 |
0.100 | 12000 | 1 |
0.110 | 10000 | 1 |
0.115 | 10000 | 1 |
0.120 | 1200 | 1 |
Last trade - 15.43pm 19/12/2024 (20 minute delay) ? |
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