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Originally posted by RockstarJones
At the current basket price they would, when fully operational, be making an annual profit
of 93 million AUD annually and this is unadjusted for any premium for expandability so in actual fact it would be higher then this. Could be looking at a 9 or 10 month payback. If China Gold and China Docking advance them the money and there is minimal dilution I would expect a market cap of at least 100 million or approx $1.50 a share if/when the deal is done. MNS has a market cap of 550 million fully diluted and there is every chance GPX will beat them into production. GPX have the perfect approach. Get into production as quickly and cheaply as possible and then expand.
The market is still waking up to this IMO.
Once in production if the current forecast profit figures are still applicable(obviously they can change for better or for worse) and there is more exploration success then I would I would expect that profit margin to support a market cap of 7-800 million dollars.
Made an error in my calculations sorry. Capex is 74 million so approx 100 million AUD so approx a year payback at the current basket price as opposed to the one used in the study.