Man made CO2 non existent., page-189

  1. 7,772 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    You were doing well there till this

    "given I might have some sort of clue what I am talking about"

    and then this

    "every prediction int his scam has failed miserably"

    that second one particularly dissapointing given I have posted the link to your enlightenment on that twice in the last five minutes.  Sometimes the fish just don't bite!

    "My theory is far more plausible than yours"

    Sure Tee, sure.  I's not me Tee, it's the world's scientists that you think you are smarter than.  They'd tear your paper to shreds. 

    I posted this the other day, but looks like it applies.
    "“Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.” Bill Gates
    Seems you may have had some property success.  But Bill Gates would advise you not to let that go to your head and have you think you are a climate change expert.

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