Man made CO2 non existent., page-114

  1. 1,212 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 323
    I think every dang humans on the planet seems to miss the whole point of striving to be green. Less emission = more efficient machines = less waste = more profit = better quality of life/more economic growth, wealth, etc. How hard is it for people to understand that? It doesn't matter if climate change is hoax or whatever, the fact of the matter is that something like an electric motor is far more efficient than ICE, full stop. Move towards more efficient machines and try to do it without going backwards = win for human race = $$$$$. Simple, so shut up already about climate change. Like it or not people need to be more efficient regardless climate change or not.
    Last edited by aniesbaswedan: 24/02/19
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