Good example where former investment banker and current...

  1. 2,071 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    Good example where former investment banker and current Treasurer tells what he thinks ...

    1. He does not worry too much about Royal commission... and greed factor...if he did why would he tells bank "ease up"

    2. He does not want to go in history as a Treasurer under which houses he is very much interested to support it with "more loans to the DUMB"

    3. He completely ignores many facts highlighted in RC and peruse his agenda ignorant. .and disrespectful particularly on irresponsible landing that we have had thus far... 

    Again, this shows that current Government does not give rats about long term .... VOTE THEM OUT!

    Next they will come with increased immigration( or keeping it at current levels)  to support the falls...

    I can not wait Dec for US FED to increase it another 0.25 and next year another 3 increases... this will get


    Again, A

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