Agree l hit the 40s last year and started to really question whats the point to all the stress life brings
I stopped working when l was 36 well seriously after 20 years of non stop working like a tool...l am a simpleton can afford to have your fancy things but because l was just a normal guy from an okay family but not wealthy and stuff like that l am happy to not have flashy things's weird right when you think l can have this and that after busting your chops for it you sort of think it's not even worth it lol...simple is best in all honesty the more you have the more you stress...
Now if you tell me 50 million saves your life and your loved ones from early death l would seriously be pursuing the 50mill
Fact is it doesn't so happy to be simple have enough to be able to chose my next move...have a year off when feel like it as seriously after not doing anything for 2 years l kid you not l went crazy
Now l have 4 boys and 1 girl on the way so hopefully whatever l leave them is at least enough to get them started as they are going to be dealing with robots for work and stuff like that
Anyways l believe 3 meals a day a healthy and happy family and a roof over your head whether it be flashy or simple you are rich
Anything else is a blessing
Hopefully everyone wins hate to see people losing