Greenland, page-18

  1. 7,772 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    You have the same problem with your chart as the fake denial argument using the Greenland ice core.  Your chart doesn't include the instrumental temperature record for the last near 70 years - BP 0 being 1950.

    You need to add around a degree of warming missing off the end of your chart. As my OP chart did in adding the instrumental record.

    Sometimes I think it is impossible for you guys to ever take in what you seem to not want to know.

    All the commentary I gave above applies.  And is missing from your chart.  An incredibly rapid and sizeable turnaround of a trend that should be going down, but isn't due to greenhouse gasses.
    And future temperatures way in excess of anything in the holocene - the whole period humans have been around with any sort of substantive civilisation. 
    Last edited by mjp2: 07/03/19
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