No need to reply,,to the above,,,,and thanks Madmin......

  1. 1,005 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    No need to reply,,to the above,,,,and thanks Madmin...

    However,it transpires from an experiment that just did that indeed one can only give 3 in 24 hours,,,
    Thus,Ipso Facto,and ergo,
    Conclude and consider that very very restrictive,,,,as watch so many stocks and threads in real life..

    Is there any chance that Hotcopper,,webmasters may amend that function,
    as it restricts,freedom of both expression,directions,sentiment,indicatives,and feedback
    to others,,,especially followers,,,(and the less astute,or those before not encountered,
    especially when the poster(that wishes to give some indication has time restrictions on/with providing a written

    Thus to enable a more fair playing feild in such a complex website,,,would submit
    that the current parameters for and with the (Great analysis) functions are draconian
    at best.
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