Went to read some post,,,don't comment much any more into specific stocks,,
guess got sick of the put downs.
Try to give a thumbs up to positive and fulsome comments,even if thin on the analytical side,
especially when an entity has been showing potential,and the future is positive,and they have
not been wasting funds on the BoD,,but are truly doing things,(even when many run after a 3B),
and thus try in a little way to indicate,,,what may have growth,and what one has an interest in also..
However noticed,,that after giving the (G.A) option to some,,in the various many threads that just now
began to delve into,while logged in,,,,..
Up came the notification the (Only 'x, number of (G.A's left today)
So does that mean,,that as a poster can only give 3 (G.A's) to others in any given 24hour time period?
That particular,poster is only allowed a limited number of (G.A's) in any given time period,,,,as that would
be strange,,as no two had been the same...
Thank you,,,Madmin,or the others Mod's
Looking forwards to clarification.