CKA 1.56% 6.3¢ cokal limited

l just saw that exchange. I'm not at he ground so cannot...

  1. 2,564 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    l just saw that exchange. I'm not at he ground so cannot completely bat away his comments either but this is not what I have heard/told.

    I'm not sure when did asking for top dollar became a bad thing? Rolling over and getting price of thermal coal for coking coal doesnt make much business sense.

    Supply issue during rainy season ? Rainy season is when the supply is consistent due to higher river level. It is the dry season we have to worry about - thats a weird comment by him

    Japanese and Koreans are interested in the coal but not interested to take on any of the risk and they want it cheaper. They are polite and talk the talk but dont walk the walk.

    I dont think they are discussing take over. What Ive heard lately corroborates well with a binding agreement with prepayment (which would have some conditions attached)

    good luck
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