In a large Bible Book Store. There are HUNDREDS of translations....

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 13

    In a large Bible Book Store. There are HUNDREDS of translations. Why is that? Are they ALL INERRANT? If they were, then they would all be translated with the SAME WORDS!

    Even the revered King James Version is not a pure 'translation' out of the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts, but rather is a revision of other translations including the Catholic Latin Vulgate by Jerome. Did you know that the 1611 King James Bibles contained fourteen additional books that are no longer found in the modern King James Bible? Which edition was "inerrant," the one WITH the fourteen additional books or the ones WITHOUT the fourteen additional books? We are not talking about a word or two here, we are talking about WHOLE BOOKS disappearing from the King James Version!!!

    Have you seen the NEW King James Version? Why did they produce a NEW version with DIFFERENT words in it if the OLD King James Version was "inerrant?" The KJV translates "sheol" (the GRAVE) into the English word "grave" 31 times and it translates the same Hebrew word "sheol" into the English word "hell" 31 times. You call that "INNERANT?" Which is it, the grave or hell?

    Did you know that many modern language translations are dropping the translation of "hell" in the Old Testament. That's because they have checked and found that the KJV translations were in absolute error on this subject. The Holy Spirit inspired the New Testament to be written in Greek. When a New Testament writer quotes from the Old Testament Hebrew, the Holy Spirit inspired them to translate the Hebrew word "sheol" (the grave, erroneously translated hell half of the time) into the Greek word "HADES." So the Hebrew "sheol" (grave) and the Greek "hades" are synonymous--they have the SAME MEANING, and yet, and YET the KJV translations translate the Greek word hades (the UNSEEN,
    the abode of the dead, the GRAVE) into the word "hell" 99% of the time!!!

    Why not only 50% of the time as in the Old Testament? But now to the 1%. What about that ONE PERCENT (actually only ONE TIME) that the KJV did NOT translate the Greek word "hades" into the English word "hell." What happened there? I'll show you. I Cor. 15:55, "O death, where is thy sting? O grave [Greek 'hades' always translated 'hell' elsewhere in the New Testament], where is thy victory?"

    Did you catch that? In I Cor. 15:55 the KJV translators translated the Greek word not "hell" but "GRAVE." Why? Why just this ONCE? Why because there is "VICTORY" over THIS "HADES" over THIS "GRAVE" over THIS "HELL" but the deceitful translators following their pagan traditions wanted to deceive their readers on this one verse. They didn't want anyone to KNOW that there is VICTORY OVER HADES WHICH THEY ALWAYS TRANSLATE HELL in the New Testament!!!

    Now that you know the truth, I suspect I will not hear from you again. Or if I do, you will NOT address what I have given you above, but will take me on on another front of error with equally damning criticism and condemnation about something else you know nothing about. I WILL DEFEND THE TRUTH WITH VIGOR, so if you are offended at my reply so be it !

    May God grant you the wisdom to see that God's Word is indeed "inerrant" but man's translations are anything BUT "inerrant." Some are the work of deceitfulness and others are not, but the most sincere and dedicated translations are still incapable of making a perfect translation and God has allowed it to be so. Many of the treasures of the Scriptures must be sought after with the tenacity of a bulldog. We must DIG and SEARCH for God's Truth. Any less effort is NOT WORTHY OF HIS TRUTH OR THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

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