PRU 0.56% $2.68 perseus mining limited

Hi @CEOChair Yes, I see it much the same way. All those gap ups...

  1. 40 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 15
    Hi @CEOChair

    Yes, I see it much the same way.
    All those gap ups on open over the last 2.5 months were appreciated at the time, as I find them to be a reliable trade but it's left us with a very choppy looking chart.

    I see 44c as the most significant resistance between 41.5c and 46c

    I'm really just watching POG to give us an other run up at resistance or not. Until then more consolidation at current level will only make whats already looking like good support even better.
    POG looks to be consolidating nicely, I'd really like to see this weeks candle close above $1,322 to keep my weekly bull pennant in play. It was looking good earlier in the week when we touched $1,330. Heading back up now so time will tell. I'll post that chart tomorrow to see if its failed or not. I, like many tired bulls don't want to see POG under $1,300 again.

    FOMC meeting Wednesday 21st with only 2-3 trading days until announcement POG is looking stable and no sign of a sell off yet, maybe people are finally catching on that Gold has been doing ok after previous rate hikes.

    I'm not sure if any announcements from PRU are expected before the quarterly or not and will look into that over the weekend. It would be much appreciated if anyone here has some upcoming dates to look out for and could post them.

    Enjoy your weekend.

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Mkt cap ! $2.265B
Open High Low Value Volume
$2.61 $2.70 $2.61 $6.796M 2.548M

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No. Vol. Price($)
71 165172 $2.67

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Price($) Vol. No.
$2.68 74668 85
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Last trade - 15.19pm 18/12/2024 (20 minute delay) ?
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