Thechart to follow now is5 year (Daily) Bollinger Bands).Anyone can observe them currently now and good to keep eye one onaway from the constant noise that comes in from time to time as you watch them close.. The 5yrhas a bit of distance to think clearly.Oncethe chart is set up you will see:-10/07/14 ..1c------ B/O to high of 2.7c 22/7/14 (2.7 bagger)
30/03/16 1c---- B/O to high of 10c 12/5/16 (10 bagger)
29/09/17... 1.5c--- B/O to high of 4.4c 13/11/17(3 bagger)
Theprice action depends on good energy and no one knows when the triggerwill occur. An early indicator is early volume, not a large amountbut sometimes a surprise amount or two known as smart money althoughI really think most of the money is in and holding as sales aregenerally quite small and herded out by the odd fear monger. It'shard to pick the actual timing of a break and it is better to be inat these low prices and wait in my opinion for when the energy picksup in the short term.Ina financial sense, the time now is to be watchful with the shares youhold and make sure they have cash in the bank and will generatesuitable income to move forward and develop with manageable risk andprofessional assistance. We have a fair amount of funding in the hankalready from our partners and income coming in shortly from ourcaesium mining and add-on products which is something to lookforward to with some assurance. The arrangement offered with Nova inthis time is very practical with a 30% precious metal rights to uswhich implies a 100% industrial metals or non precious metals rightsinclusion sounds right to me especially when Novo will continue tosole fund all JV expenditure prior to a “Decision to Mine” beingmade after an initial spend of .5 million dollars on followingexploration and possible in-drilling our historical drilling results.We have multiple other projects at different stages of developmentalso as we know to follow and keep our eyes on the charts see whatfollows on. Seems safe in my opinion.GLAH