BOM has done it AGAIN. Goalpost moved to suit!, page-222

  1. 7,772 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    Who cares.  But often running with what these guys claim leads them into trouble.

    What sort of successful property investor spends time doing what he is doing so badly?

    I'm quite keen to get back to my stocks research.  But I'll beat the sheet out of this jolly silly person for as long as it takes.

    Trouble is he is looking like such a moron there is no brain to punch out.

    But this "it's the ocean's" half (if that) bake of his is about as laughable as Eddie Izard.  And that's very very funny.

    Eddie does better science here than Tee. I'm not kidding.

    Last edited by mjp2: 28/02/19
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