When Mundine switched chords bigots all over had a ball hoping to have alaugh when he get bashed. He had his ups & downs winning a few worldtitles, hitting the deck, getting robbed etc yet after over 15 years he is fightingthe best Oz can offer. Mundine always challenged the best in his divisionincluding FM if he could get them. Mundine switched to boxing for the fact RL wasdiscriminatory towards him. In boxing he did not get a lot better. However headored fighting as he did not have to rely on others for his glory. Mundine also revived this dying sport in Australia for him & many others who were getting coins, to earn millions in the ring.Thereare plenty of hitters in Oz boxing yet, even at this ripe age, he is one of thevery few 'Boxers' we got.
There were no voices for Abo’s in RL back then even the only known topAbo player hid his aboriginality to represent Australia. Today league is a vastly differentplaying field as well a dressing room. No one can underestimate Mundine's rolein that.