DXB 6.67% 35.0¢ dimerix limited

I’d suggest you watch your use of absolutes, buddy: Could come...

  1. 1,945 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8
    I’d suggest you watch your use of absolutes, buddy: Could come back to bite you on your wrinkly ol’Pommy butt one day. I’ll cut and paste it for ya.

    Seems the masses are unhappy with this announcement.
    May I suggest a strongly-worded letter signed “disgruntled, angry, impatient HC holders”

    Remember how that worked out last year with the remuneration package...?
    Oh, ok, Nevermind.

    As for them being another ‘unnecessary expense’ am I missing something? I read it as them being given options only. If the share price doesn’t appreciate to a certain price, then they won’t be exercised and, thus, won’t get paid.

    Maybe, I’ll have to re-read the announcement.
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Mkt cap ! $25.68M
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37.0¢ 37.0¢ 35.0¢ $387.8K 1.079M

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11 394907 35.0¢

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36.5¢ 15948 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 12/12/2024 (20 minute delay) ?
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