LKE 0.00% 4.1¢ lake resources n.l.

Ann: Trading Halt, page-31

  1. 12,058 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 15
    I reckon that's perfectly summed up in a nutshell Mule.
    I'm sure that they are very keen to get drilling in Juyju.
    Immediately after the earlier presentation, I emailed Steve with a few questions, most of which have now been answered on the public record, but, this answer now becomes much more relevant. He replied within hours even though I told him that I wasn't a holder at that stage.
    This is part of his reply.
    "On the timing. In Jujuy, we still need to fulfil the usual mines dept process before drilling approval, which includes community consultations and environmental approval, and will take a few months.
    We would then be "tails in the air" drilling.
    This suits us as drilling needs to be planned 2-3 months ahead anyway as rigs are now hard to find in Argentina as we have learned on our other project."

    P.S. (mine) There is no way that they would be any tails in the air drilling in 2018 without this current CR!!! It is a MAJOR catalyst for the company and its shareholders!!!
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