BPG 0.00% 0.9¢ byte power group limited

Just been an observer so far, but time to put my two bobs worth...

  1. 1 Posts.
    Just been an observer so far, but time to put my two bobs worth in. For the directors to issue themselves the shares like they did recently, they must have some serious faith in the business and what they are working on. Otherwise they would not give themselves something that could be worthless in the near future. We have already seen they can be quite 'creative' with things, so if the place was about to crash and burn they would have pulled whatever wasn't bolted down out of the place. As for the convertible notes, I wouldn't of thought they would be counted as a liability due to the expiry date on them? As long as there is sufficient cash on hand to pay the interest as it falls due periodically, there should be no problem. I don't see their existing shareholders lining up to give them further investment, so cudos for them obtaining some working capital to keep moving forward. Personally, I think the exchange has some great potential!!!
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Currently unlisted public company.

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