PRU 1.12% $2.65 perseus mining limited

Ann: Commercial production at Sissingue, page-10

  1. 4,604 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14
    That was an nothing annoucement really

    Of course cash flow positive
    Most costs are with the contractors until
    The announcement.

    It would been nice to say what others usually operating at percentage
    Of nameplate Or even give an expected

    Reads as if there is some things to sort out.

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Mkt cap ! $2.265B
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$2.65 $2.66 $2.60 $15.62M 5.919M

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4 94375 $2.65

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$2.66 50466 6
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Last trade - 16.10pm 19/12/2024 (20 minute delay) ?
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