Just visit the home page of Mitsubishi and visit the following link "/e/group/about.html".
There you can find the following statements.
1."Mitsubishi" is a community that consists of
a multitude of independent companies. The names of most - but not all - of those companies contain the word "Mitsubishi." And many of the companies use the three-diamond
Mitsubishi mark. But none calls itself simply "Mitsubishi."
2.The companies conduct their business activities independently and even compete with each other in many fields. But as they share the same founding management
philosophy, they cooperate in areas of common interest, such as sporting, cultural events and public-interest activities. The companies established a Mitsubishi portal on the Internet, "mitsubishi.com", to provide a broad perspective on "Mitsubishi."
3.Do the Mitsubishi companies have some kind of decision-making body that determines overall policy for the companies? No. But all the companies honor the
Three Principles prescribed by
Koyata Iwasaki, the Fourth and final president of the old Mitsubishi organization: 1. Corporate Social Responsibility, 2. Integrity and Fairness, and 3. Global Understanding through Business.