No. Sentiment is your thoughts or opinion about it, not advice. More a form of disclosure.
No member should take anything written by other members as advice, as per Terms of Use which are the legal 'terms' for running the forum.
If a post says "Buy, buy buy" that is not only considered financial advice, it's ramping and low content posts.
The section above on Financial advice is referring to brokers or analysts reports, (not member posts) which can't legally be posted on the site unless they have been released by the company via ASX.
There's something in ASIC rules that don't permit them to be posted.
You sometimes see a member has poster "XYZ brokers/analyst research report blah 10 bagger" (hmm, that's the best I could come up with at this time of day! ) and linked to, or pasted the report. That is what's meant - but we'll see if it can be clearer, if I found what you were meaning or referring to?