All members please read., page-23

  1. 15,299 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48
    A lot of people post them, but not many are reported.
    Mods don't read 10,000 post a day, so need members to report posts that breach the guidelines.
    At times, a tweet can be harmless, but at others, it's simply ramping a company from a non HC member, and if they want to get their info into HC, they need a posting account.
    A couple of stock threads were overrun with them as unsubstantiated ramping, or other.
    It's impossible to completely police, so this is an ongoing task to work on. Basically common sense applies, as in don't use other sites 'ramps' to bring here to ramp a stock.

    Couple of good ones there

    I actually really like this one.
    "Also if someone has a moderated post for flaming and baiting an automatic 24hr suspension."
    It could do more to stop the bad behaviour than anything else!

    We can already stop a member from posting on a stock code or forum.
    Policing of it may increase as persistent bad behaviour is identified, and ongoing problems have often resulted in suspension.
    HotCopper will be happy to lose a couple of dozen unruly members (or more if necessary) if it improves the overall quality of the forum.

    The way we all behave in different places is obvious if you compare say a library to a pub, and can see no reason why we can't get a turnaround if members realise that tolerating bad behaviour won't go on forever.

    At the end of the day, we are trying to improve things, and that beats not trying!

    Usually not welcome on troubled threads with in fighting, as it derails more.
    On a 'happy' thread, no problem.
    Use common sense and ask whether it will make things worse!

    @kingpins, I hear you re lengthy threads. However, mods usually try not to interfere with members on that.
    If you're using thread view, not post view it is much easier to keep track.

    Clarified details on the financial advice section..

    Do and Do Not1.JPG
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