"These guys are footballers.It doesnt make them immune to normal...

  1. 10,541 Posts.
    "These guys are footballers.It doesnt make them immune to normal everyday issues."

    Cuppa you are 100% right but you only painted half the picture. AFL players IMO hold privileged positions in Australia most are very well paid and some paid to the point of extreme, doing something most of them love doing. AFL has a huge following which is one of the reasons for its huge success, its another reason why the players are so well rewarded. So with that comes a certain code of conduct players should adhered too simple because most are roll models for our young, being one reason of many - it simply comes with the territory.

    While I don't begrudge players their well paid positions and spoils and am hugely sympathetic if they find themselves in trouble and honestly reach out for help and do it fairly quickly. I have a HUGE Huge problem with players, coaches etc that lie, abuse, cheat, and are only sorry because they got caught. The low lives that totally turn up their nose and abuse the hand that feeds them. So what to do with that type? do we turn our backs on them the answer is NO but let them earn back the respect they clearly destroyed.

    Which reminds me what's the latest on Mark Thompson and how sorry was he for all those years? are we even sure he is sorry or is he sorry he got caught?
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