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A new thread - Hands up who is tired of hearing Stormer, page-13

  1. 6,645 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 90
    Buster, what are you asking him for?.. why don't you just ask me?

    Unlike the spineless keyboard warriors who run squealing to the moderators, I don't do that

    I find the absolute temerity of this person amazing ..his first post was a scathing attack on all of you and and a run down of his failed professional like..he then starts a new thread targeting me, accuses me of being abusive to women( conveniently forgetting his own xenophobic comments about the English),runs squealing to the mods and then wears it like a badge of honour here ( To their credit, obviously the mods saw it for the hypocritical garbage that it was)

    This lynch mob mentality over a poster who expresses concern about an investment is truly is a disgrace
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