Did similar scenario 5 weeks ago.
Now that we have 51% of GK, here is an update.
Peer comparisons:
Company names, Market Cap/Turnover ($m)=Ratio
Bellamy , 2198/240 = 9.15
A2M , 8498/523 = 16.2
Wattle , 215/0.9 = 238
Bub , 286/3.9 = 73.3
( Info from Ahf presso, 26/3/18, page 27 .
Not holding Ahf)
What about JAT?
Turnover, approx
i)Daigou+Online (non IF) = $10m
Best peer comparison is AU8
MCap = ~$100m,
ii) GK , IF, 51% of 6m = $3m
iii) iOne, IF = ?
iv) Future businesses from JD, Kaoala, SDK & CiiE = ?
Lets add
i) $100m
ii)Average of Wattle & Bub
= ($238m+$73.3m)/2
= $156M
Total MCap
Shares on issue
= 455m to 500m
Share price:
256/455 to 256/500
$0.51 to $0.56c
(excluding future business from, another 40% of GK, iii & iv)
We have a high chance to march on to 30c, 40c,and 50c, in the short term
Aimo. Dyor